We had my 8th birthday party at my karate school, Dojo Karate. It was a lot of fun to have all of my friends and my brother and sister there.
We started out warming up. Didn't Ainsley look cute in her karate outfit?
After some basic karate moves, we took a break and played dodgeball!
Then Mr. Lefavor brought out the kicking towers and we all got to do flying kicks! Ainsley and Ben did awesome.
After kicking the towers, we got to do battle with Nerf like swords. Most kids were nice. Ben and I really went after each other.
Mom and Ainsley even had a turn.
Just before dinner, we all got to break boards with our hands. Ainsley had some help from Mr. Lefavor, but she did an awesome job!
We ended the party by having a massive Nerf gun battle. It was soooooo much fun.