Over the holidays, I had to made a Happy New Year hat. In school, we made faces for them and they hung in the hallway by our classroom. We got to bring them home today.
We learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in school today. He was famous. He did a lot of things for our country, by reminding people how people should be judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. He got shot by a bad guy.
Today in school, we learned about things that live under the sea. Almost half of my class knew that the Little Mermaid lived under the sea. We made aquariums. Here is a picture of mine, with Ben.
Here is a close up so that you can see the shark I hid in my aquarium.
Daddy helped me put together some of the LEGOs that I got for Christmas and I am now ready to run my own airline.
Here I am with my long haul fleet.
And here is my short haul fleet.
Here I am with my brother at my airport terminal. You can see that my short haul plane did an international run and is currently dropping off passengers at the international side of the terminal.