Like Cinderella's Castle at the Magic Kingdom, the Tree of Life is the heart of the Animal Kingdom. Here's the requisite picture of us in front of it.
We started our visit on the Kilimanjaro Safari in the (fictional) African village of Harambe. The safari was super dooper cool. Here are a lot of pictures from it.
A critter with horns!
The savannah!
Lots o' critters!
Critters with big horns (that are hollow, by the way)!
How giraffes hide in the wild.
Rhinos can only see about 6 feet in front of them. We were happy to be 7 feet away.
But we were much closer to this ostrich and we were quite certain he was coming into the jeep with us.
The last animal we saw on safari was the Simba, sitting atop Pride Rock.
Needless to say, the safari was really cool. Right by the safari exit, there is the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail, where you can see animals that they couldn't put out in the open, like fish...
And frogs...
And educational resources... wait, what?
Oh, right, and gorillas.
On the way to Asia, we stopped and saw Flik, from A Bug's Life, and King Louie and Baloo from The Jungle Book. They creeped Ainsley out.
The first thing we did in Asia was go on the Maharajah Jungle Trek. We saw lots of animals here too, like this Komodo dragon...
And these bats...
Especially this guy, who was happy to see us.
Don't leave the path, because...
At the end of the trail, there it was in the distance... Mount Everest.
They say a Yeti lives in Everest and mounted an expedition to find it.
Here's a quick video of our attempt to scale the peak and find the Yeti.
We spent most of the rest of the day at Dino Land. The legend has it that some scientists found fossils and local gas station owner's Chester and Hester tried to cash in.
Needless to say, Animal Kingdom was really fun!
Ainsley, Ben and Cameron
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